If a residence changes ownership, you can update this on the platform.
1. Click “Blocks” on the left hand side navigation bar in the agency dashboard.
2. Click into your chosen development and click “Units” on the left hand side navigation bar.
3. Select your chosen unit and click on ownerships on the left hand side navigation bar.
4. Then click “Begin new ownership” on the right side of the screen.
5. You start by filling in the start date of the new ownership along with the new ownerships billing address.
6. You then select a new owner from the drop down button of owners already on the system, or you add a new owner by clicking “add new”.
7. If choosing a new owner, you add in the owners details as per below. You click the blue “Next” once finished.
7. Then you must ensure the details are correct and click finish.
N.B Once you add a new owner, this cannot be undone. Please ensure that all of the details are correct before clicking “Finish”. You can verify your data by browsing your previous steps.
8. You have now successfully added a new owner to the unit.